Western Cape XCM Championship – 31 Aug 2024

Less than 30 days to go and herewith our first rider communication for the 2024 Vines and Views MTB Classic

Registration & Race Briefing.  Friday 30 Aug from 15:00 – 20:00 at Die Keldery, Vredendal.  Link:  https://g.co/kgs/KM7nLmX

Route: Please contact us should you have any queries regarding the route options. It's been a cold and wet winter thus far, affecting many riders' preparation.  Route options can be changed at registration, at no cost.  The 55km and 80km trails will be sporting new sections from previous editions and may still see some minor tweaks in the coming weeks.  The trail generally drains very well and only the 3km section on the riverbanks will be affected in case of flooding.  (It still remains the one trail to rule them all.....)  More info:  


Starting Times & Venue:  Please note the starting times of the 55km and 25km MTB events have changed.  All 3 distances will start and finish at Die Keldery:  07:30 (80km); 8:30 (55km); 09:15 (25km)

Mechanics:  Please ensure your bike is in perfect working order as the event does not have mechanical services.  Event assistance en route is only available for medical emergencies or retirement from the race.

Medical services:  Medics and ambulances are on standby at various point throughout the route, for the entire duration of the race.

Waterpoints on the 80km trail at:  16km, 37km (checkpoint), 56km, 68km, 76km (finish)

Waterpoints on the 55km trail at:  16km, 36km, 47km, 55km (finish)

Waterpoints on the 25km trail at:  13km, 17km, 25km (finish)

Timing is done by Race Online.  Temporary timing boards can be bought for R20 each at registration, or a permanent board linked to your Race Online profile at R100.  Please note, the timing boards are compulsory for all distances.  Please ensure your personal and race details are captured correctly at the timing table.

Vines and Views is a CSA sanctioned event.  All riders not in possession of a valid CSA membership are required to purchase a day license at entry or registration.  Proof of membership must be provided at registration.  Please note!  Day licenses will not be accepted for the purpose of the Western Cape Championship. 

GPX files for the 80km trail will be send out via our WhatsApp broadcast group.  Please join for important pre-race updates: 


Varsity Challenge

We are stoked to welcome riders from UCT and Maties at this year’s event.  A race within a race!

Cutt-Off is at 12:00 at waterpoint 3 (55km event) / waterpoint 4 (80km event).  Prizegiving will be at 12:30.  

Please note, the Lutzville Vineyards KOM/QOM will be determined by means of Strava.  This is a social competition and not part of the formal proceedings.  Strava results must be uploaded at 11:30 on race day.  Details of this competition can be found on our social media pages.

Online entries will close on Monday 26 August at 12pm. Late entries can be done at registration at no extra cost.

E-bikes are allowed, but do not qualify for any podium positions or prizes.  E-bikes will start at the back of each batch.